Sustainable Partnerships on Energy (Gender and Social inclusivity in Renewable energy; Mapping of investments, adoption and use

This project looks at investments, adoption and use of renewable energy at sub-national level. It focuses on mapping of investments, adoption and use through the lens of gender equity and social inclusion. The project outputs aim to inform investments and policy initiatives. The project seek county government, civil society, community and media engagement for a wider reach and dissemination of the findings. The main objectives are: To map investments in green and inclusive energy in Makueni and Kisumu County: Aimed at understanding investments in green and inclusive energy through the lens of gender equity and social inclusiveness. It draws from the 2017 research on ‘Enabling factors for Gender and Social Inclusion in Green and Inclusive Energy in Kenya’ as well as further engagement with key stakeholders. To examine adoption and use of green and inclusive energy in Makueni and Kisumu Counties: Aimed at highlighting successes in adoption of green and inclusive energy in Makueni and Kisumu. Adoption is measured against the key barriers and/or enablers to green and inclusive energy as highlighted from the 2017 study. To generate policy and implementation pathways for GSI in renewable energy in Makueni and Kisumu County: Aimed at highlighting the fact that there are multiple approaches for GSI in renewable energy and to identify some of these. This has been done through contextual toolkit testing, stakeholder consultations and cognitive mapping for the stakeholders who were part of the study.

Project outputs;

Policy briefs, working papers, reports, blog, Green and inclusive investment map in a selected village in Kisumu

Project Outcomes;

Successful up scaling and out scaling of existing initiatives; influence greater adoption and use of GIE that incorporates Gender equality and Social Inclusion (GSI); influence inclusivity in decision making and provide possible options for different stakeholders; Increased awareness and contribution to the national inventory; Increased awareness and contribution to the national inventory; influence inclusivity through targeted initiatives and evidence-informed policy-making by Kisumu County; influence policy for inclusivity in renewable energy; expand and share methodologies and evidence for gender and inclusivity research in renewable en


  • Makueni County Energy policy dialogue

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