
The overlay between demographic characteristics, spirituality and retirement planning, Kenya expose

The subject of spirituality comes at a time when people are asking many questions about life and what the future holds, especially around the pandemic COVID-19. Given that spirituality as a concept has not earned one standard definition, and while not confusing it to wellbeing nor misery, a broad and multidimensional scale of spirituality developed and empirically tested by Gomez and Fisher was found suitable for this study. In this scale, spirituality is defined as one’s relationship with God, the environment, others, and self. This paper studies the relationship between demographic characteristics and spirituality while exploring the connection between spirituality and retirement planning. Using empirical data drawn from a population of 332 university and church workers from the Western region of Kenya, a robust analysis was done on the overlay of the variables. There were no significant differences based on gender, incomes, and marital status on spirituality, however, the older workers, and pastors held higher scales of spirituality than the university faculty. A modest but yet positive link was established between spirituality and retirement planning with a Pearson correlation of r =.468, setting an agenda for further research to explore this link.

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