ARIN Participates in Discussions on Innovative Climate Finance at UNFCCC SBs

By: Florence Onyango

The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN) participated in a key expert panel discussion on innovative climate finance mechanisms at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Body meetings (SBs) on June 10th, 2024.

Hosted by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), the session focused on Climate Impact Auctions (CLIMA), a novel approach utilizing reverse auctions for subsidies specifically aimed at achieving quantifiable climate outcomes.

The session, titled “CLIMA: Auction-Based Subsidies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” explored the potential of Climate Impact Auctions (CLIMA) as a transformative approach to international climate finance. CLIMA utilizes a reverse auction system to allocate subsidies based on quantifiable climate outcomes achieved, with applications in areas like renewable energy and biochar production.

The discussion highlighted the potential benefits of CLIMA, including cost-effectiveness, accessibility for SMEs, and measurable outcomes. CLIMA aims to optimize resource allocation, ensuring maximum impact for each dollar invested. The auction system provides an accessible pathway for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access climate finance. Additionally, the focus on quantifiable results allows for transparent monitoring and evaluation of the impact achieved.

Dr. Joanes Atela, the Executive Director of ARIN, participated in the panel discussion alongside other experts. These included Dr. Aidan Hollis from the University of Calgary, who introduced CLIMA, Dr. Pieter Pauw from Eindhoven University of Technology, and Dr. Magdalene Silberberger from Witten/Herdecke University.

The panel critically evaluated the potential and challenges associated with CLIMA, including its integration into the existing climate finance architecture to maximize its effectiveness in fostering climate action.

By engaging in these crucial conversations, ARIN positions itself to contribute to the development and implementation of effective climate finance mechanisms that empower African researchers and stakeholders to address the climate crisis.

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