ARIN’s Executive Director Co-Leads the launch of BioCAM4 Project (2024-2026) at IDOS, Bonn Germany at the sides of the 60th SBI/SABSTA conference

By: Dr. Humphrey Agevi, Florence Onyango

The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN) played a prominent role in launching the Biodiversity Integration in Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Actions for Planet, People, and Human Health(BioCAM4) project during a two-day planning meeting held on June 6-7, 2024, at the German Development Institute (IDOS) in Bonn, Germany. Dr. Joanes Atela, ARIN’s Executive Director, served as a Regional Co-Lead for the project, underscoring ARIN’s commitment to collaborative research on global challenges. The hybrid event was co-hosted by Dr. Ines Dombrowsky of IDOS.

The meeting served as the springboard for BioCAM4, a research program that brings together experts to explore the role of Nature-Based Conservation Areas (NBCAs) in addressing pressing global issues. A diverse group of participants, both in-person and virtual, actively engaged in discussions focused on aligning their areas of knowledge to ensure a comprehensive approach to BioCAM4’s goals. The meeting also focused on setting the foundation for BioCAM4, establishing clear goals, timelines, and next steps to guide project execution.

Professor Idil Boran, a key organizer and faculty member at York University, expressed her sincere gratitude to all participants for their enthusiasm and valuable contributions. Special recognition was bestowed upon Claudia Klama for her exceptional logistical support throughout the planning process.

BioCAM4 centers around collaborative research that explores the role of NBCAs in promoting planetary health. NBCAs cover a wide range of protected areas, including national parks, biosphere reserves, and local conservation areas. By examining the effectiveness of NBCAs in addressing environmental, social, and health concerns, BioCAM4 aims to develop innovative solutions that benefit both human and ecological well-being.

The selection of IDOS as the host institution for the BioCAM4 planning meeting is significant. IDOS, the German Development Institute, is a renowned research institute specializing in global issues, particularly those related to sustainable development and peacebuilding. Their involvement underscores the project’s international scope and its commitment to solutions with global impact.

ARIN’s active participation in the BioCAM4 project planning meeting, with Dr. Atela as a Regional Co-Lead, highlights its commitment to impactful research and collaborative efforts that address critical global health challenges.

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