Series 1: Cities and Resilience

COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges, and opportune moments for city development. The pandemic has had implications on the social setting, the economic status, the ecological environment, and the policy and regulations scapes of urban societies. The nature of what might emerge in terms of city resilience particularly in the African context is speculative at best, but one which requires an understanding of what has been (based on current evidence), what is desired (resilient city imaginaries), and the necessary (disruptive) socio-technical, economic and policy actions for the future African Cities.

The seminar opened with the presentation of evidence on Understanding Resilience in African cities: current status and future outlook. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion led by Prof. Alfred Omenya that allowed participants’ to express their perspectives of a resilient African city based on empirical experiences, the lessons from COVID-19 and what these mean for the future. The discussion closed by exploring the (innovative and disruptive) necessary social, economic, ecological, and policy transformations towards building resilient African cities in the post-COVID-19 era.

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