What role for multi-stakeholder partnerships in adaptation to climate change? Experiences from private sector adaptation in Kenya

Authors: Kate Elizabeth Gannon a,*, Florence Crick b, Joanes Atela c, Declan Conway


Amidst increasing interest in multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) in climate discourse, this  paper identifies four rationales for why MSPs may be particularly suited to supporting adaptation  from existing literatures. With a focus on MSPs that seek to support adaptation among micro,  small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya, we then investigate the extent to which this  potential is being realised in practice, through interviews with partners engaged in the design and  implementation of MSPs. This allows us to examine some of the opportunities, challenges and  distributional risks that may result from employing MSPs to support adaptation. We find that  through action and investment from donors and the public sector in areas such as research, data  access, relationship building, training and capacity building, access to finance and business in cubation, MSPs can enable a wide range of private sector actors to deliver adaptation resources to  SMEs. Beneficiaries include small-scale SMEs in agricultural value chains in remote regions, that  could otherwise fall outside of market inclusion. As such, respondents in this research typically  considered MSPs to present an exciting opportunity to plug gaps in adaptation and development  finance. Further analysis, however, suggests that dependence on market mechanisms for deliv ering adaptation resources means that MSPs risk excluding the poorest groups, exposing businesses to new risks and reproducing existing inequalities. Additionally, MSPs often remain  heavily dependent on donor-led organisations for both resources and momentum. In Kenya,  opportunities to develop more integrated responses to supporting the adaptive capacity of SMEs  are being missed through a disconnect between the practice of MSPs and national public sector  development frameworks and institutions. 

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