REDD+ institutional design and implementation within local socioeconomic settings: evidence from Kenya

Authors: Joanes Odiwuor Atela


Designing and implementing the Reduced Emissions from Avoided  Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) depend on mutually interlinked  actors, policies and socioeconomic factors across global, national and local  levels. Unpacking the interaction between REDD+ design and implementation  processes could holistically identify sources of institutional impediments to the  programme’s effectiveness in the context of sustainable development. This  thesis examines the process of designing REDD+ rules at the global level and  the implementation of these rules at the national and local levels in Kenya. The  study develops and applies an integrated institutions and development analytical  framework (IDAF) within which iterative document analysis, quantitative  vulnerability indexing, project inventories and interviews are applied to gather  empirical evidence.  

Results reveal that multilevel institutional impediments face REDD+ design and  implementation. At the global level, resource endowment determines actors’ ability to design and implement methodological, financial and safeguard design  rules for REDD+. However, due to resource limitation and reliance on REDD+  funds, the input of African States into the technical and institutional REDD+  design is weak. This creates gaps in technical capacity and funding required for  implementing the global rules at the national level. In Kenya, the national  implementation relies on expertise and funds from multilateral intermediaries  but this support plays into national institutional gaps e.g. path dependency and  sectoral competition for funds to create implementation deficits. Efforts to avoid  ‘institutional complexities’ in delivering carbon funds confine REDD+  activities within the State-based forestry sector but exclude key land use sectors  such as lands and agriculture. This sectoral exclusion subdues cross-sectoral  expertise required for REDD+ implementation but most importantly, fails to attend to underlying drivers of deforestation such as resettlement and  agricultural mechanisation.  

Even though delivery of carbon and associated funds are emphasised at the  global/national levels, local level implementation of the Kasigau project relies more on delivery of pro-poor livelihoods that keep the poor out of forests.  Benefit sharing mechanism with regards to livelihoods is a key source of  interplay between REDD+ design and on-ground implementation but this  interplay is a source of certain institutional conflicts: first, the interplay  complicates multilevel institutional arrangements for REDD+. For supporting  local livelihood needs, the local community favourably perceives the private  actor implementing the Kasigau project but negatively perceives State regimes  that have historically monopolised local resource decisions and benefits. This  raises concerns as to whether the State, as the legitimate representative of local  communities’ interests in REDD+, can ably do so as expected by the UNFCCC.  Second, the interplay elicits carbon-livelihood tension. Projects avoid investing/implementation within poor communities whose livelihood status  could complicate delivery of carbon funds. Projects target relatively richer areas  endowed with humid forest resources at 0.728; p<0.01, land title deeds at 0.552;  p<0.01 and better access to water at 0.475; p<0.01. This raises concerns about  emission leakage when deforestation shifts to forests hosted in poorer  communities. Carbon-livelihood tension also renders equitable and pro-poor  strategies in REDD+ ineffective. Strict carbon standards limit trade-offs  between pro-poor livelihoods and forest protection especially when fluctuating  carbon prices constrain funds needed for project operations and local  livelihoods.  

This study presents one of the first multilevel scientific analyses of REDD+ and  contributes empirical evidence to literature on REDD+ governance. It reveals  that the main sources of REDD+ implementation deficits emanate from the  global and national institutional processes. As such, ensuring equity and rights in REDD+ implementation is necessary but not sufficient for effective REDD+  implementation unless national level institutions are reformed and global  carbon conditions and pricing harmonised with local livelihood needs.


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