Learning and Exchange Forum on Operationalising a Just Transition in Africa


Assessing African Countries’ NDC Priorities, Progress, and Implementation Gaps in Relation to Renewable Energy Access.

28 June 2024



14:00 – 14:05:             Guests join the Forum

14:05 – 14:10:             Introduction and opening remarks – Dr Joanes Atela

14:10 – 14:30:            Keynote speech on renewable energy-related NDC policy landscape by Eng. Maxwell Ngala

14:30 – 15:30:            Panel discussion: Charting Pathways to a Just Transition in Africa: Bridging NDC Priorities with Financing Renewable Energy and Just Transitions

  1. Just Energy Transition Financing by Rueben Wambui
  2. Role of Private Sector in JET by Evans Ongoro
  3. Implementation gaps of renewable energy-related NDCs in Kenya by Stephen Nzioka
  4. Ethical issues arising in the renewable energy initiatives by

Victoria Nalule MCIArb

  1. Overview of NDC Financing Fellowship program by Michael Konig

15:30 – 15:50:Q&A

15.50 – 16:20:Blog paper presentations

16:20 – 16:30:Closing remarks by Dr Shehnaaz Moosa/Bhim Adhikari


Find programme document here


2024-06-28 14:00 2024-06-28 16:30 Learning and Exchange Forum on Operationalising a Just Transition in Africa

REGISTER HERE Assessing African Countries’ NDC Priorities, Progress, and Implementation Gaps in Relation to Renewable Energy Access. 28 June 2024   PROGRAMME 14:00 – 14:05:             Guests join the Forum 14:05 […]
