Exploring the agency of Africa in designing REDD+ and the associated implications for national level implementation


Rules on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)  are globally designed by multiple actors but the outcomes are implemented in  developing countries. The coherence of resulting rules with developing country  policy setting depends on the agency of these countries in the global process. This  paper explores Africa’s (African States) agency in the global REDD+ design  process then analyses how resulting rules are implemented in an African setting.  Interviews and document analysis reveal that multiple State and non-Sate actors  are involved in the global process. However, the agency of Africa in the process is  weak partly due to numerical and technical underrepresentation. The weak agency  is exacerbated by a focus on REDD+ funds as countries cast themselves as  victims of climate change eligible for funds rather than sources of technological  solutions. At the national level, the weak agency creates implementation capacity  gaps which steers Kenya and other African countries to rely on expertise from  resource endowed multilateral intermediaries whose agency is strong and are able  to mobilise funds to develop and test REDD+ technologies in these countries. In  Kenya, focus on REDD+ funds reinforces path dependency as REDD+ activities  are mainstreamed within the country’s forestry sector with little integration of key  sectors e.g. lands and agriculture because these sectors could ‘complicate’  delivery of carbon funds yet these sectors are the key drivers of Kenya’s forests  losses. Consequently, the global REDD+ rules negatively interplay certain policy  measures in the excluded sectors, fails to harness expertise across sectors and  excludes local communities. These findings do not only re-emphasise an  established fact about weak agency of Africa in international climate regimes but  goes further to demonstrate how such weak agency could impede effectiveness of  emerging regimes such as REDD+ that are specifically targeted at developing  countries such as Kenya. 

Exploring the agency of Africa in designing REDD+ and the associated implications for national level implementation

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