Over the last decades, Africa has experienced intense research and policy activities in various sectors especially health, agriculture, energy, science and technology, and lately climate change among others. However, research in the continent remains uncoordinated, with little in-continent learning and poor networking among researchers. The continent lacks impact networks – i.e. dedicated platforms for bringing African researchers and policymakers to engage in periodic dialogue, learning, and capability building towards creating research and policy impact.

Consequently, there is little understanding of best research practices and impact practices taking place in various African contexts and what works or not. It is in this context that the ARIN Network launched the ARIN Fellowship program which brings together over 200 researchers from thirty-eight countries in Sub- Saharan Africa. The fellowship program consists of a network of talented researchers and technocrats across Africa who have been undertaking research in various fields including natural resource management, climate change, agriculture, forestry, energy, water, and cities to leverage their knowledge and experiences in promoting research excellence and impact pathways.

The program is focused on peer learning and sharing good transformative research and impact practices across Africa. The ARIN Fellowship program therefore, seeks to identify, and leverage key research talents to flexibly and innovatively contribute to Africa’s research transformation. Additionally, the fellowship program champions inclusion and equity throughout its activities and has largely accommodated and actively involved women and girls, people with disabilities, youth, and several other researchers from the most vulnerable communities in Africa.


Akinyi J. Eurallyah.                                                                                Atieno Lavender Ochieng                                                                                                                                 

ARIN Fellowship Manager                                                                         ARIN Fellowship Coordinator



The ARIN Africa Science-Policy Fellowship Programme seeks to identify and leverage on evidence to flexibly and innovatively contribute to Africa’s research transformation, policy analysis and capacity building.


The ARIN Africa Science-Policy Fellowship Program envisions a future where scientific advancements are seamlessly integrated into public policy to address Africa’s most pressing development challenges. We aim to cultivate a diverse cadre of emerging leaders who are adept at bridging the gap between scientific research and policy-making. By equipping our fellows with the skills to translate complex scientific knowledge and empirically grounded research into actionable policy recommendations, we strive to foster evidence-based decision-making that drives innovation, equity, and sustainable development in Africa.
Our program seeks to inspire a new generation of policy influencers who will champion the role of science in shaping a better world. We are committed to creating an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that empowers our fellows to lead with integrity, collaborate across disciplines, and advocate for policies that promote the common good. Through this fellowship program, we aspire to build a future where science and policy work hand-in-hand to create lasting, positive impacts on global health, environmental sustainability, and societal progress.


  1. Summer School – For more information 
  2. Mini grants – For more information
  3. NDC Fellowship – For more information
  4. NDC Academy – For more information
  5. Friday Reviews – For more information