• BioCAM Mini-grants

    The relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss is profound. Climate change accelerates biodiversity decline: Rapid climate shifts challenge species’ adaptability and contribute to biodiversity loss. Species extinction or migration […]

  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Climate Change Adaptation Interventions in East Africa.

    Introduction East Africa is on the frontline of climate change. Devastating droughts, unpredictable floods, and rising sea levels are increasingly disrupting lives and livelihoods across the region. Despite significant investments […]

  • Kenyan Stakeholders Discuss Strategies for Effective Climate Adaptation during the FCDO-Funded Study

    By Florence Onyango Dr. Agevi leading the conversation on climate adaptation in Kenya On July 18, 2024, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the impact assessment of climate change adaptation […]

  • About CAPCHA

    Consultative Platform on Climate and Health in Africa (CAPCHA) Background Climate change is a global crisis with far-reaching implications for public health, and Africa stands out as a region particularly […]