Preparatory Seminar Series 2: Science,Technology and Innovation

Virtual , Kenya

The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN), invites you to in our upcoming virtual seminar titled: Harnessing the applications of science technology and innovation in the fight against COVID-19: lessons for science policy. This is part of the monthly preparatory seminars series aimed at stimulating discussions and debate to inform the...Read     

Low-carbon Development and Climate Resilience in the Post-COVID World:Lessons for Research and Policy

Virtual , Kenya

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous strain on global economies, social settings, the ecological environment, as well as the energy supply and access systems that support them. This is in addition to the already significant impacts of climate change, which include changing weather patterns, rising sea levels, and more extreme weather events.Read more Register […]

The ARIN International Conference Side Event On Gendered Impacts of COVID-19

Virtual , Kenya

This side event aims at highlighting the impacts of COVID-19 and responsive measures in the spirit of not leaving anyone behind, and social inclusion. OBJECTIVES OF THE SIDE EVENT 1. To discuss the relationship between gender and disaster risk reduction 2. To highlight the gendered impacts of COVID-19 from various points of view (National, Diaspora […]

The Africa Research and Impact Network International Conference on Africa in the Post Covid-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy

Virtual , Kenya

The Africa Research and Impact Network, is delighted to announce its first virtual inaugural International conference titled ‘Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy’ that will be held on 18th – 20th November 2020. The conference focus will be on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform practice, policy, and […]

The ARIN International Conference Side Event On “Status of Research Collaborations and Partnerships Beyond COVID-19 “

Virtual , Kenya

This side event will focus on the status of research collaborations and partnerships beyond COVID-19.  The Africa Research and Impact Network(ARIN) alongside Africa-UniNet will convene virtual dialogue, which is aimed at strengthening the message from the conference and adding value to the outcomes of the conference deliberations, especially on partnerships. The event will be held […]

The ARIN International Conference Side Event on Impacts of STI Indicators in Policy Processes and Strategies for Supporting Uptake

Virtual , Kenya

The African Centre for Technology Studies together with the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex have organised a side event at the upcoming Africa Research and Impact Network annual International conference to discuss the impact of STI indicators for policy making. This side event will be conducted through a panel to explore […]

Join us at the 1st GOBESHONA Global Conference taking place from the 18th – 24th of January 2021!

Virtual , Kenya

The Africa Research and Impact Network and Nairobi Risk Hub in collaboration with the University of Kwazulu-Natal are co-organizing a Session on Cities & Urban resilience at the Gobeshona Global Conference. The session will take place at 13:00 GMT on Wednesday 20 January. Conference materials: Flyer Gobeshona Global Conference (Dr Huq Letter) Conference Planning For […]

Commonwealth Science Conference 2021

Virtual , Kenya

Join us at the Commonwealth Science Conference 2021. ARIN Convener Dr.Joanes Atela will be chairing and discussing in a panel on the following two conference sessions scheduled for 23rd, 10.00-11.00 UTC and 24th February 2021 17.00-18.00 UTC Day 1: Developing and strengthening networks of early career researchers (ECRs) to address global development challenges Day 2: […]

Webinar 2: Power and Methods

Virtual , Kenya

Decolonising Methodologies to Sustainability in Africa  In the Global South, ‘coloniality’ has long been associated with political rule over subordinated countries. Struggles for ‘decoloniality’ have evolved from the undoing of colonial rule to the even more fundamental challenge of freeing knowledge, practice, and culture from deeper worldwide concentrations of incumbent power. In keeping with the more […]

Research as a Life-Long Career Path: Basics of Making Informed Choices

Virtual , Kenya

Abstract Over the years, early career researchers in the global south have been struggling to excel in research and ultimately contributing to the various societal challenges. For Africa, the quest for research excellence is critical as the continent strives to strengthen its research and innovation capabilities and leadership in a world that is increasingly becoming […]

Science Policy Engagement to support Evidence Informed Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Africa

Virtual , Kenya

Science Policy Engagement to support Evidence Informed Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Africa Description To support Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), is working with partners the African Center for Disease Control, African Union Commission, and WHO Afro to produce rapid evidence synthesis to inform […]

Transformations Conference: Africa – ‘Philosophical Underpinnings’ in Decolonizing Research Methods for Transformation Towards Sustainability

Virtual , Kenya

Decolonising Methodologies to Sustainability in Africa  In the Global South, ‘coloniality’ has long been associated with political rule over subordinated countries. Struggles for ‘decoloniality’ have evolved from the undoing of colonial rule to the even more fundamental challenge of freeing knowledge, practice, and culture from deeper worldwide concentrations of incumbent power. In keeping with the more […]